South Fraser Command

The 36-foot Command trailer is the mobile field headquarters for the team’s operational tasks. The trailer offers 7 workstations including GIS mapping, mobile internet (both cellular and satellite), and planning, administration and communications tools, allowing the team to effectively manage search operations for as long as necessary. In addition it contains mobile washroom facilities in the event they are required.
The primary function of South Fraser 01 is to tow SFSAR’s Command trailer. In addition to towing the command trailer, the vehicle also acts as a transport vehicle for searchers and gear. It’s elevated height provides a great searching platform and it’s bright scene lights are perfect for lighting up the night.


South Fraser 02 is relied upon for towing our 25-foot Hurricane. The vehicle is equipped with rope rescue, water rescue and first aid equipment and is used for moving searchers and gear.

South Fraser 03 is equipped with a generator, portable lighting, and both rope rescue and water rescue equipment. South Fraser 03 is also capable of towing either our Jet Boat or our Hovercraft
South Fraser 04 tows the team’s main logistics trailer and is utilized to transport searchers and is equipped with a outboard motor and 10 foot boat, a generator, portable lighting, and more.

SF05 (RIB)
South Fraser 05 is capable of operating in various bodies of water. The 25-foot, 300hp T-top boat has towing capabilities and is equipped with radar, a thermal imaging camera (FLIR), depth sounder, GPS, multiple mapping plotters, and 4 remote-operated search lights. It is used for searching and transporting searchers.

SF06 (Hovercraft)
The Hovertechnics Hoverguard 1000 is used for searching and transporting searchers. The 300hp hovercraft is equipped with an 8″ mapping plotter with GPS, radar and remote search lights.

South Fraser 07 is our primary SafetyNet radio frequency tracking response vehicle and is utilized to move crew members in and out of search areas.
SF08 (Jet)
The SJX Jet Boat is powered by a Mercury jet engine and is capable of operating in relatively shallow areas. The vessel is equipped with a mapping plotter and AIS.

Logistics Trailer
Our logistics trailer carries the team’s compliment of mountain eBikes, has an electronic toilet, 12kw generator, propane fire pit, food and beverages for the SAR team enabling us to be completely self sufficient!